iSurprise Gedung Brantas

Brightly coloured newspaper building

Newspaper building

Gedung Brantas is an architectural gem! Painted in a peach colour and adorned with French balconies and Arabic golden domes, it was built in 1912 as a trading office. In 1930 it became a real city icon when the city’s main newspaper Soerabaia Handelsblad moved here.

Nice to know

Look at the reliefs next to the towers: on the right side you see two snakes with wings, this Mercure, the god of trade and profit.

Gedung Soerabaia Handelsblad in the 1930s and 1970s

Flea market

Pak Adnan’s small stall selling newspapers and magazines keeps the spirit of news printing alive. Find the stall in the alley to the left side, next to some foodstalls. Every morning, from 6 to 9, there is a temporary flea market in front of Gedung Brantas. On Sundays, there are more stalls and they run the market for the weekenders until 12 pm. It’s a great spot to source old records and tempo doeloe memorabilia but perhaps better known among locals for cheap jeans and t-shirts: good luck bargain hunting.

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