iSee Tugu Pahlawan

Hero's square with Surabaya’s landmark tower

Iconic monument

This place has always been the heart of the city. In the old days it was the alun alun, with palaces, a mosque and a market. Tragicaly, when the Dutch took control in the 18th century, they demolished these important buildings to make way for the High Court (Raad van Justitie) which was subsequently destroyed during the Battle of Surabaya in November 1945. The hero’s monument Tugu Pahlawan commemorates the thousands who died.

10th Nov museum

In the basement of the heroes square is a small museum dedicated to the Surabaya battle. Weapons, photos and other memorabilia are a reminder of this devastating event, the Indonesian resistance and the struggle for independence.

What’s in a number?

The height - 45 yards and the number of arches in its body - 10 arches divided into 11 sections, all refer back to November 10, 1945: the day of the Surabaya battle.

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